Efek Suhu dan Injeksi Udara pada Penyisihan Limbah Pewarna Tekstil Remazol Red dengan Metode Elektrolisis Plasma

Tri S. Budikania, Dian R. Suminar, Eva F. Karamah, Nelson Saksono


Abstrak. Limbah pewarna industri tekstil merupakan limbah cair yang sulit teroksidasi dan berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Radikal hidroksil (•OH) merupakan spesies yang sangat efektif dalam mengoksidasi berbagai limbah cair organik seperti limbah pewarna.  Metode Elektrolisis Plasma sangat produktif menghasilkan radikal Hidroksil sehingga efektif dalam menyisihkan (mendegradasi) berbagai jenis limbah pewarna tekstil seperti Remazol Red. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengoptimalkan proses degradasi remazol red RB 133 dan konsumsi energinya menggunakan metode Elektrolisis Plasma melalui pengaturan suhu dan  injeksi gelembung  udara dalam larutan. Pembentukan H2O2 merupakan indikator pembentukan •OH pada reaksi Elektrolisis Plasma. Injeksi udara pada larutan limbah pewarna menurunkan arus listrik pada kurva karekateristik arus-tegangan. Kenaikan suhu larutan dari 45 oC menjadi 75 oC  selama 10 menit reaksi tampa injeksi udara menurunkan konsumsi energi  dari 229,9 kJ menjadi 219,5 kJ serta menurunkan  produksi H2O2 dari 4,8 mmol menjadi 3,1 mmol. Sementara injeksi udara pada suhu 75 oC selama 10 menit proses menurunkan konsumsi  listrik hingga 28,5% dan meningkatkan produksi H2O2 hingga 27,3 %. Namun demikian injeksi udara hanya meningkatkan degradasi Remazol Red sebesar 1,8 %.  Suhu optimum dicapai pada 55oC, dengan produksi H2O2 sebesar 5,7 mmol selama 30 menit. Injeksi udara udara mampu meningkatkan efektivitas proses. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persen penyisihan mencapai 88,9% dengan  konsumsi energi sebesar 115,2 kJ dalam waktu 30 menit reaksi.


Kata kunci: elektrolisis plasma, remazol red, gelembung udara.


Abstract. Effect of Temperature and Air Injection on Degradation of Remazol Red Textile Dyes by Plasma Electrolysis Method. The textile dye waste is a liquid waste that is difficult to oxidize and dangerous for the environment. Hydroxyl radicals (• OH) are very effective species in oxidizing various organic liquid wastes such as Remazol Red. Plasma Electrolysis Method is very productive in producing Hydroxyl radicals, resulting in effective degradation of various types of textile dye waste such as Remazol Red. This study aims to optimize the degradation process of remazol red RB 133 and its energy consumption using the Plasma Electrolysis method through temperature regulation and injection of air bubbles in solution. The formation of H2O2 is used an indicator of the formation of •OH in the Plasma Electrolysis reaction. The Air injection decreases the electric current on the current-voltage characteristic curve. The solution temperature increases from 45oC to 75oC for 10 minutes reaction without air injection were able to reduce the energy consumption from 229.9 kJ to 219.5 kJ and H2O2 production from 4.8 mmol to 3.1 mmol. Meanwhile, the addition of air injection at 75oC within 10 minutes of reaction were able to reduce electricity consumption by 28.5% and increases H2O2 production by 27.3%. However, the addition of air injection only increased the degradation of Remazol Red by 1.8%. The optimum temperature was reached at 55oC, with H2O2 production of 5.7 mmol for 30 minutes. The addition of air injection has been shown to increase the effectiveness of the process. The results showed degradation percentage reached 88.9% with energy consumption of 115.2 kJ within 30 minutes of reaction.


Keywords: air injection, plasma electrolysis, remazol red.


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air injection, plasma electrolysis, remazol red.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5614/jtki.2019.18.1.5


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